Add the Payment Gateway (1.4.0)

These instructions pertain to version 1.4.0 of the Magento 2 plugin.



Quadpay extension requires Magento v.2.2.8 or above. Quadpay supports USD or CAD as Magento base currency.



Choose one of the installation methods described below.

> Install with Composer

This is the recommended installation method; however, only if you are familiar with Magento Composer workflow and everything is set accordingly on the project:

More [information] ( on Magento Composer.

  1. At Magento Marketplace, add the extension to the cart and go through the checkout process to be able to download with Composer (extension is free).
  2. Run following commands from command line:
    composer require mr/quadpay
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Follow any additional instructions from Magento.

> Install Manually

  1. At Magento Marketplace, add the extension to the cart, go through the checkout process and download
    the extension (extension is free).
  2. Create app/code/MR/QuadPay/ directories
  3. Unzip the extension to newly created QuadPay directory
  4. Using the command line, run this command:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Follow any additional instructions from Magento.

> Install with Extension Manager

  1. At Magento Marketplace, add the extension to the cart and go through the checkout process (extension is free).
  2. Follow Magento [documentation] ( on how to Sync through Administration.


To enable and configure Quadpay, return to the Magento Admin Panel.

  1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Quadpay

  2. Under Enabled, select Yes

  3. Select Territory (United States or Canada)

  4. Copy and paste the Client ID, Client Secret, and Merchant Name from the Quadpay Merchant Portal > Settings. (Take care not to add any additional spaces or characters to these fields.)

  1. Flush the cache after installation.